7.1.1 |
Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years. |
7.1.1.A |
7.1.1_a |
7.1.2 |
The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures |
7.1.3 |
Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words) |
7.1.4 |
Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: |
7.1.6 |
Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution |
A.Reports of Environment & Energy audits |
Green Audit 2019-20 Report |
Green Audit 2020-21 Report |
Energy Audit Report |
7.1.7 |
The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment |
A. Geotagged Photographs of Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment facilities |
7.1.8 |
Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities |
7.1.9 |
Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens |
7.1.10 |
The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard. |
A.Committee to monitor adherence to the code of conduct |
B. The Code of Conduct is displayed on the website |
7.1.11 |
Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals |
B.Annual Reports of Commemorative Days, Events |